Gute und günstige Pizza!
89 m from hotel
A guide to great places near Hotel Brunnerhof
125 m from hotel
238 m from hotel
304 m from hotel
Rasun di Sotto 7
427 m from hotel
When Belgium has 'krokusvakantie' this place is crowded by Belgians. Awesome! Also ask Dejan for his special cocktails, and just order an 'pintje' he understands!
434 m from hotel
Rasun di Sotto 9
0.8 km from hotel
0.9 km from hotel
Classiche proposte tirolesi in paese...servizio come sempre attento e svelto. Piatti e giochi per i più piccoli...
2 km from hotel
Probieren Sie unsere Wildererpfanndl! Assagiate il nostro tegamino del braconiere!
2.1 km from hotel
Kirchgasse 7