Werzer's Hotel Resort Pörtschach
Werzer's Hotel Resort Pörtschach offers free Wi-Fi (provided by Freewave)
36 m from hotel
Werzer Promenade 8
A guide to great places near Werzers Hotel Resort Pörtschach
Werzer's Hotel Resort Pörtschach offers free Wi-Fi (provided by Freewave)
36 m from hotel
Werzer Promenade 8
Try the brunch from 10 to 2 - amazing!
238 m from hotel
Leonstainerstr. 1
Great, tasty Italian style pizza. Vegan options possible!
240 m from hotel
Hauptstraße 193
Seit 2015 neu übernommen. Privater Wörtherseezugang für die Gäste des Schlosshotel Leonstein. Essen super! Besonders gut: gegrillter Fisch, warmer Schokokuchen mit Eis& hausgemachter Eistee!
283 m from hotel
Hauptstraße 223
Awesome hotel with very spacious rooms, a beautiful view of Wörthersee and an excellent breakfast buffet.
325 m from hotel
Augustenstr. 24
376 m from hotel
Alfredweg 5-7
Great breakfast. I didn't eat too much of the buffet (on. Diet, the food was amazing). They gave me a huge discount because of that! Great service.
482 m from hotel
Hans Pruscha Weg 5
Those were the freshest cakes I have eaten in a long time. Well done!
0.6 km from hotel
Hauptstr. 145
All is good, you can see Wörthersee, Klagenfurt, Velden am Wörthersee and many more beatiful places!
2.9 km from hotel
Linden 62